Triumph 60: Your No-BS Blueprint to Personal Mastery

Triumph 60: Your No-BS Blueprint to Personal Mastery


Non Labelled Man is proud to present "The Triumph 60 Challenge."

However, this is no BS course or program. It’s a call to action for those who are finally willing to stop making excuses and take control of their lives, situations, and success. After yet another year of failed resolutions, you're no further along than you were before. We all possess the ability, yet only a few are willing to apply themselves. If you're happy as you are, then I’m happy for you. But if you feel like you can do better, read on.

The Challenge

Triumph 60 demands daily physical training, disciplined nutrition, and mental toughness, paired with the determination for improvement. There are no shortcuts here. It’s 60 days of relentless effort, and that in itself is a challenge. Accept the fact that you will be uncomfortable at times during this journey—hunger, soreness, and general discomfort are part of the process. This will help you achieve balance in life. We all enjoy drinking, some like to smoke, and most indulge in unhealthy food. I enjoy all three. However, rewarding yourself with these habits isn't a good move. Going out for a drink to celebrate an occasion or meet with friends is fine, as it improves your social life. But as humans, we tend to overindulge. The problem with that? Your waistline, health, sleep, recovery, muscle mass, body fat—the list goes on. If you wish to engage in these activities, it’s wise to slow down their frequency. At Non Labelled Man, we believe that earning these indulgences can help you view them differently. After 60 days of focusing on yourself, working hard, and doing what needs to be done, you might think twice about tomorrow's potential hangover or late night. But if you choose to go out, you will have earned it—so enjoy yourself!

This challenge will sharpen your mental strength, clean up your diet, help you develop productive habits, sustain regular exercise, accomplish what you need to every day, and keep you on a journey of progress.

The Physical Element

A fit body isn’t just about appearance—it’s a gateway to confidence and a capable mindset. Intense physical activity can reduce negative feelings by up to 30%, providing a mental boost when life gets heavy. Physical strength empowers you to face everything head-on. Regular resistance training and cardio workouts will push you further than you ever thought possible. Personal respect plays a big part. If you do nothing, you won’t feel like you’ve earned anything. Respect yourself. Get it done.

The Nutritional Game-Changer

We could guide you toward a keto or carnivore diet, but we won’t. Our only two rules for nutrition are simple: whole foods only—no processed food allowed—and count your calories based on what your body requires (calculations provided in the book). A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins reduces the risk of chronic illness and provides more energy every day.

So, it’s back to basics: move, and don’t eat junk food. Simple so far, right? Fuel your body for peak performance all day, every day.

Accountability is King

Accountability means you’re not off the hook. If you’re committed, you’re committed. The American Society of Training and Development found that having an accountability partner boosts success rates by up to 65%. This is where we come in. We will hold you accountable, and so will the Non Labelled Man community, which you’ll join. We’ve also partnered with WHOOP to help all users track and stay on top of their progress. Dig deep on tough days, check our social media posts, and see how others are pushing through. Don’t let us down, and most importantly, don’t let yourself down!

The Mental Edge

A solid physique is essential, but a strong mindset is paramount. Mindfulness can reduce stress and sharpen focus. The Triumph 60 challenge emphasizes daily mental conditioning exercises to help you stay resilient and on track.


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